Unlocking the Secrets to Self-Care Tips for Single Mom Physicians Why Do We Struggle With Self-Care?

best self self expression self help selfcare support Oct 03, 2024
woman sitting with her child peacefully watching the water

The renowned physician, Dr. William Osler, said

"The care of the patient requires care of the provider. If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot effectively care for others."

Dr. Osler's wisdom reminds us that self-care is fundamental to our ability to care for others effectively.


We all know it's vital for our well-being and success, but knowing this doesn't make it any easier to fit self-care into our busy lives. So, let's explore some reasons why we struggle with self-care and how to overcome these challenges, with insights from some remarkable experts.


The first reason is shame.


Many people don’t find the time for self-care because, deep down, they don't believe they deserve it. This feeling often stems from a poor self-image. If you don’t believe you're worth the time and effort, self-care becomes a low priority. Improving your self-image and reminding yourself that you are deserving of care is crucial. This mental shift can make it easier to schedule self-care in your busy life. Here's what one successful single mom physician, who’s raised her children and paid off her student loans and lives a happy and fulfilled life has to say about this.

"Taking care of yourself isn't just about you—it's about being the best parent and professional you can be. When you're well-rested and healthy, you're more present and effective in all areas of your life."


This perspective highlights the importance of overcoming feelings of shame to prioritize self-care for the benefit of yourself and those you care for.


Another reason is the effort it takes.


Setting aside time for self-care can seem like a daunting task, especially if you're already juggling numerous responsibilities. Sometimes, this reluctance stems from poor time management or low self-esteem. Addressing these underlying issues can make a big difference.


Scheduling self-care into your calendar can help ensure it becomes a non-negotiable part of your routine. Let's hear from a psychologist on this matter.


"Self-care is essential for mental health. It helps reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall well-being. It's not selfish—it's necessary."


Making the effort to include self-care in your schedule is an investment in your mental health and overall well-being.


A common misconception is not knowing what self-care truly is.


In today's culture, we often hear the phrase "treat yourself." However, treating yourself is not the same as self-care. Treating yourself might mean indulging in an ice cream cone on a Friday night, whereas self-care involves maintaining a healthy diet consistently. Understanding this distinction can help you integrate genuine self-care into your life. A social worker shares their insight on this topic.


"From a social work perspective, self-care is about sustainability. Without it, burnout is inevitable. It's about creating a sustainable lifestyle where you can thrive, not just survive."


Recognizing the true nature of self-care helps you build sustainable habits that support long-term health and well-being.


Lastly, the most prevalent reason women struggle with self-care is simply being tired.


This creates a vicious cycle—without proper self-care, you become increasingly exhausted. Breaking this cycle requires pushing through that initial fatigue to prioritize rest and recuperation. Once you get over that first hurdle, you'll find it easier to maintain regular self-care practices. Let's hear from Brené Brown on this issue.


"Self-care is about setting boundaries and honoring them. It's about recognizing your worth and giving yourself permission to take care of your needs."


This powerful message from Brené Brown emphasizes the importance of boundaries and self-worth in overcoming fatigue and prioritizing self-care.


To add to this, financial expert Suze Orman has some thoughts on the financial aspect of self-care.

"Financial health is a form of self-care. Ensuring you're financially secure reduces stress and provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on other aspects of self-care."


Financial stability is an often-overlooked aspect of self-care, but it's crucial for reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.


Journalist Katie Couric also shares her perspective on balancing a demanding career and self-care. She’s said:


"As someone who's balanced a demanding career and family, I've learned that self-care isn't a luxury—it's a necessity. It keeps you grounded and resilient."


Katie Couric's experience underscores that self-care is essential for maintaining resilience in the face of life's challenges.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why self-care might be challenging, but understanding and addressing these barriers can help you incorporate it into your life. Remember, self-care is not a luxury—it's essential for your well-being and success.

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