Scavenger Hunt Shopping

children experience kids outings parenting support Sep 02, 2023
a young woman physician with her son enjoy a scavenger hunt

If you would like to give your children a unique challenge, consider having them look for specific items such as the food pyramid challenge. You would begin by teaching nutrition based on the food pyramid. Have your child work with you to create a meal plan based on the information you used and then take this list to the grocery store. Give your child the task of finding the food items or items like what is on your list. Learning opportunities at the grocery store are limitless for your homeschooled children. Make it interesting and give them tasks based on their age, maturity, and ability.

Another idea for adding fun to homeschool lessons is to assign a unique activity to either a particular subject or day of the week. For example, you could make a weekly calendar and assign a fun activity based on that day. It might look something like this:

  •  Monday - Make a dessert for the family. Base the dessert on a science or nutrition lesson that you are teaching.
  •  Tuesday - Play a memory-based game using words or pictures from the students' vocabulary or natural science studies.
  •  Wednesday - Participate in church or group activities.
  •  Thursday - Free time is a great way to allow the children to pick a game or activity that they enjoy. It should be connected to one of their lessons.
  •  Friday - Go on family outings such as bowling or movie night.
  •  Saturday - Plan for next week's lessons and encourage the children to give you ideas for fun activity for the next week.
  •  Sunday - Enjoy your day off.

When you work with your children brainstorm a list of fun, lesson-based activities. This encourages them to be active participants in their education, while having fun moments that will be remembered for many years.

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