Laying the Groundwork for Self-Expression

get started lay groundwork love mindfulness self help self-expression Jul 12, 2023
The word LOVE held in two hands with Xs and Os and a heart

Being able to adequately express yourself isn’t something that comes naturally to some, or even most of us. But it’s important for you to be able to express yourself and express your wants, needs, and desires, as well as express things you don’t like. Being able to express yourself is necessary to live an authentic, fulfilling, and healthy life, and to help you create the life of your dreams!

There are three main steps involved in learning to express yourself. These steps may not feel natural at first because they are new, but stick with it! You'll soon find yourself better able to express yourself to those around you with confidence.

  1. Learn to listen to yourself, your emotions, and your intuition. Too often, early in life, we are taught (directly or indirectly) to hide our emotions, and put on a smiling face even when we don't feel like it. It's time to unlearn all of that. So, the first step is to begin to really feel the emotions that are inside you. Your first instinct may be to mentally run away from those feelings but try not to do that. Feel each emotion, no matter what it is, without any self-judgment. Your emotions are simply what they are, and there aren't any wrong emotions, only wrong ways that we've learned to react to them. So, quiet yourself and allow yourself to feel because you can't express yourself if you don't know what you're feeling.
  2. Acknowledge whatever you are feeling. Honor those feelings, again with no judgment. By self-validating your feelings, you learn to seek answers from within yourself, rather than always looking outside yourself for solutions. In reality, all we need we already have inside of us. Acknowledging your feelings might seem very frightening at first because you feel vulnerable. That's okay. That feeling of vulnerability will go away once your mind realizes there isn't really any need for fear.
  3. Tune in to how your body reacts to the emotions you are now experiencing. Body awareness is very important in learning to express yourself, as it is one of the best ways to gauge your comfort level. If you tense up in response to an emotion, show your body and brain that everything is going to be okay by doing some deep breathing. Close your eyes, acknowledge the feeling, and then let it go. If a part of your body tenses up, consciously relax it. Use your new awareness to find what works for you in terms of expressing yourself, both emotionally and physically.

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