How Daily Routines Can Boost A Single Mom Physician's Productivity

managing your mental state (when times are tough) or (through adversity) organization time time management Aug 22, 2024

Today, we're going to explore how daily routines can boost your productivity. As a single mom physician, managing your schedule can be challenging, but creating small routines or daily habits can make a significant difference. Let's dive in.

Why Daily Routines Matter
Many of the things you do each day to reach your goals can be achieved by creating small routines or daily habits that you perform without thinking about it. By making your actions routine and, more importantly, a habit, you’ll get more done and not feel like you’re always working.

1. Get Hydrated
Start each day with a couple of cups of filtered lemon water. You can enjoy it cold or warm, depending on the time of year. Starting off your day hydrated will boost your energy and make it more likely you get to your to-do list.

Actionable Tip: Prepare a pitcher of lemon water the night before and keep it in the fridge. This way, it’s ready to go when you wake up.

2. Review Your Schedule
Use a to-do list each day. Before you start your day, glance at your to-do list to get an overview of what you need to do. Then, prioritize the items according to your needs.

Actionable Tip: Keep a planner or use a digital calendar app that syncs across all your devices to ensure you have your schedule handy at all times.

3. Create a Morning Routine
Set up a morning routine for your self-care. This may include taking a shower, making your bed, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. You may also want to add activities like meditation, yoga, or journaling.

Actionable Tip: Write down your morning routine and stick it on your bathroom mirror. This visual reminder can help you stay on track.

4. Invest in Your Nutrition
One way to become more productive is to eat right. Your diet is more important than whether you walk or bike for exercise. Get a blood test to determine your vitamin and hormone levels and eat according to your needs by prepping your food in advance.

Actionable Tip: Set aside time each week to plan and prep your meals. Use containers to store pre-portioned meals and snacks.

5. Develop a Positive Mindset
Find ways to look at the positive aspects of your life. When you have a positive mindset, it tends to strengthen your motivation. This motivation usually comes after you take action and focus on the feelings you experience after completing a specific action.

For me, things like reading or listening to a section of one of Brene Brown’s books is really useful. She’s studied the differences in language and can really help put things in perspective. If something is wrong, IT is wrong – you’re in the bad situation, there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re not bad. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to forget that?

Actionable Tip: Start a gratitude journal. Each day, write down three things you’re grateful for. This practice can help shift your mindset to a more positive outlook.

6. Celebrate Your Victories
When you are successful and accomplish something, find a way to celebrate, no matter how small. You can draw on the experience to motivate you to take more actions.

Actionable Tip: Set small rewards for yourself after completing tasks, such as enjoying a piece of dark chocolate or taking a short walk outside.

7. Segment Your Workday
Don’t work all the time. This is especially important if you work for yourself. The work never ends. Set specific hours for your workday and stick to them at least 80 percent of the time. Keep in mind that remaining flexible is important.

Actionable Tip: Use a timer to segment your workday into focused intervals, such as the Pomodoro Technique, which involves 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break.

Creating Lasting Habits
Each time you add a routine to your day that can be repeated regularly and easily, you are beginning to create a habit. Habits are difficult to stop because they incorporate a trigger and have a rewarding response. This is called conditioning. Set up your triggers to be rewarding so you can trigger yourself to succeed in all areas of life.

By integrating these routines into your daily life, you can boost your productivity and make managing your responsibilities as a single mom physician more manageable. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

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