Grocery Story Field Trip Ideas

7 tips for adding fun to your homeschool lessons 1 children field trip parenting support Sep 01, 2023
a young woman physician takes three of her children on a grocery store field trip

Your homeschooled child might already have the grocery store memorized, but have they been responsible for making purchases according to a list and budget? If not, then we have some ideas for you and your family. Children can become bored when it comes to grocery shopping so why not make it fun, interactive, and of course, educational.

Grocery shopping is not often an enjoyable task but is necessary for everyday living. Technology allows us the luxury to create a digital shopping list, or even order our groceries for pick or delivery. When you use grocery shopping as a lesson plan on its own, you now have three options. Those options include:

  •  Create your digital grocery using your smartphone app
  •  Write your grocery list on paper and carry it with you to the store
  •  Order your groceries for pick-up or delivery

To make this a fun field trip consider allowing your students to create the meal plan for the family, once that is accomplished they would then create a grocery list. If you want your student to practice their handwriting then have them hand write their grocery list. If you would like your student to practice using a smartphone or laptop then allow them to use the online digital grocery list option.

After your student decides on the meals for the week, they could now write the grocery list. When writing the grocery list, you could teach them how to find the items in each aisle of the grocery store. This will help the students organize their shopping and keep them on task, so they do not get lost in the store.

Grocery shopping teaches time management, budgeting, nutrition, and planning. Even young children can participate by learning to follow your instructions, walk beside your grocery cart, and learn to read labels on food packages. Be sure to grocery shop when everyone is well-rested and has already eaten that way you can enjoy your learning experience.


Young Children or Special Considerations

If your children are young such as in Preschool or Kindergarten or have special learning considerations, then perhaps show them how to make a picture-based grocery list. Allow the child to help you find the items on the shelves, being careful they do not pick up glass jars. You could either print the pictures of the groceries or allow the child to use safety scissors to cut out pictures from the weekly flyer and glue them onto paper.

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