Breaking Through Resistance to Action: A Guide for Busy Moms in Medicine and Beyond

organization overcome parenting self help time management Jan 21, 2025
super mom overcomes obstacles to complete tasks


Do you ever feel the strong desire to pursue your goals, only to find yourself holding back when it’s time to take action? As a single mom and a busy professional, you’re not alone in experiencing this inner resistance.

Setting goals can be exciting. You envision where you want to go, and everything sounds perfect in your head. But when it comes time to start working toward those dreams, the motivation seems to fade. This invisible barrier is called resistance to action, and it can be one of the most frustrating roadblocks to your success.

Resistance isn’t rare. Most of us face it at some point, but breaking through it is crucial if you’re serious about achieving your goals. Here’s a look at some common causes of resistance and strategies to help you overcome them.

What’s Holding You Back?

To move past resistance, first pinpoint what’s causing it. Here are a few common reasons:

  • Conflicting Goals – Are you trying to juggle multiple priorities that don’t align? Conflicting goals often make progress feel impossible.
  • Other People’s Expectations – Are you striving toward goals that others set for you? This can drain motivation if the goals don’t resonate with your own desires.
  • Fear of Loss – Worrying about what you might lose by going after a goal can prevent you from moving forward.
  • Procrastination – Waiting for the “perfect” time might feel safer, but it keeps you from taking any steps at all.
  • Overwhelm – Feeling paralyzed by the amount of work ahead can make starting seem too daunting.

Understanding your unique form of resistance is the first step in conquering it. Once you’re clear on what’s holding you back, you can take practical steps to push through.

Practical Ways to Overcome Resistance

If fear or anxiety around your goals is slowing you down, here are a few methods that have helped me and may also help you:

  1. Deep Breathing – Take a few deep breaths when you start feeling stressed. This simple action can calm your nerves and re-center your focus.

  2. Get Moving – A quick 10–15 minute walk or a short exercise session can ease anxious energy. Physical movement releases endorphins, which help reduce stress and improve your mood.

  3. Use Affirmations – A few well-chosen affirmations can reinforce a positive mindset. Try statements like, “I am at peace in this moment” or “I CAN do this!” Simple phrases like these are easy to repeat and grounding in stressful moments.

  4. Small Steps First – Begin with the smallest task, even if it’s as simple as turning on your laptop or grabbing a pen. Starting small builds momentum and signals to your brain that it’s time to work.

  5. Find Your Routine – For me, turning on some music creates a productive atmosphere. Figure out what signals “work mode” for you and use it to help shift into action.

Note: While these tips work for me, if you’re experiencing more persistent anxiety or mental health issues, it’s best to consult with your healthcare professional for additional support.

When Goals Need Realignment

Not all resistance can be quickly overcome. If you’re grappling with conflicting or outdated goals, take time to reassess what truly matters to you. Aligning your ambitions with your current values and priorities can make all the difference in creating momentum toward your goals.

Keep Going – The Only Way Past Resistance is Through It

It might take time, but persistence is key. Experiment with different approaches until you find what works for you. Breaking through resistance may seem impossible, but remember—most things are possible if you don’t give up.

Your goals are waiting for you. Keep moving forward, one step at a time, and you’ll find your way through.

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