7 Easy Ways to Excel with Excellence

career career development excellence self improvement self reflection support Aug 03, 2023
A woman physician stands confidently in a busy office, excelling at excellence

Use the following steps to help you excel with your commitment to excellence. 

Always give more than what is asked of you - when someone asks for help with a certain task or chore be prepared to go that one step further. If a neighbour needs help moving old furniture out of the house, offer to help move the new furniture in too. If you are working for a client then over deliver by adding something extra that adds value to the project without being asked. 

Be passionate about what you do with your medical career - if you want to excel at work then you need to be passionate about what it is you do every day. This may not be that easy, especially if you aren't that happy with your current job. The next time you are asked to deliver a project, be passionate about it and put all your efforts into it. If not for your boss (company, hospital, or physician group), for yourself, this way you know you delivered your best work. 

Believe that what you do will make a difference - have you ever stopped yourself from helping someone else because you didn't think it would make a difference? This is the type of behaviour you want to stop. All of your actions, even small ones, can really make a difference. You need to start believing this if you want to excel with everything you do.

Challenge yourself at all times - do you take the easy way out, or are you up for a challenge? People who excel love challenges and are always looking for one. Completing a challenge can really boost your self confidence.

Expect the best of everyone - as soon as you start expecting the best from others, this is what you will see. Start thinking about yourself and others in a positive manner from now on. 

Always follow through with things and follow up - how many times have you started a job and put all your effort into it, only to find your energy levels dwindle? Only take on a job that you know you can finish and when you do ensure that you do it right, and get it finished on time. 

Focus on one task or goal at a time - doing too many things at one time is a sure-fire way not to excel at anything. You simply have too many projects and not enough time. 

By using the above steps you can easily start and continue to excel with excellence in your daily life.

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