10 Fun Field Trip Ideas for Homeschooling Families
Aug 30, 2023
Students of all ages enjoy going on field trips, especially when they are given the opportunity to include their own ideas. It can be easy to forget about the learning opportunities that field trips provide and don’t forget that you can invite other homeschooling families to join you. Below are some unique field trip ideas for your homeschooling journey
- Zoo - Help children understand the different types of wild animals and how they live in the wild.
- Aquarium - This field trip will be enjoyed by every age. You can incorporate math, science, and writing into your field trip experience.
- Grocery Store - Visit a new grocery store that gives the child the opportunity to learn how groceries are delivered, stocked, and priced. You could even have children create a meal plan and grocery shop for their next cooking lesson.
- Historical Homes - What better way to learn how more about our history than to experience it firsthand through touring historical homes. These houses are decorated in antiques that were used at that specific time.
- Art Museum - Give your children the opportunity to view every kind of art that is available. Many times, children struggle with art or have difficulty finding something to which they can relate. By exposing your children to the endless possibilities available to them you may just ignite a love or hidden talent for art.
- Bakery - You may be able to have a hands-on cooking lesson at your local bakery. Oftentimes the baker will allow students to bake bread or decorate cookies.
- Radio or TV station - If you live close to either a radio station or television station then your students will have a rare, real up-close experience of how entertainment is published.
- Botanical Gardens - Exposing your children to rare and beautiful plants, rare wildlife, and butterfly gardens. You can use binoculars and look at the different types of birds in their natural habitats.
- Theatre - Call ahead and see if you can spend the day learning about the art of performing. You may even be able to tour the stage, behind the scenes, and how the actors change into characters.
- Farms – Taking field trips to a variety of farms allows students to see where their food comes from, whether the farm focuses on beef, milk, fish, wheat, etc. Many farms also have a variety of animals, vegetables, and fruit gardens.
When you plan your field trips consider taking a packed lunch and some money just in case there are gift shops. Children enjoy purchasing tiny trinkets to take home. You may want to have each child carry a lightweight bookbag in case they receive hand-outs. These hand-out or brochures can be taken home and used for furthering the children’s educational experience.
The fun lessons don’t end once the field trip is over. In fact, you and the children can create school-based projects from the education they received during their trip. Look around your community and see what other unique field trips you can schedule throughout your homeschooling year.
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